Friday, July 13, 2007

The arms of a friend

Sometimes love comes to us unexpectedly and it stays for a while, bringing much happiness into the lives of those it touches. Often love will leave a heart just as quickly as it comes, and it will leave behind much pain and grief. If asked, God will send a dear friend to comfort the one who has lost lost love. There is still a void that may never be completely filled, and hurting may come in moments not so rare, but the pain won't be quite so hard to bear in the arms of a friend.

A friend will listen to your sorrow when you cry, and will rejoice with you when the happiness times return by and by. A friend is one who will stick by you even after being rejected for the mistake glimpse of love, and will repeatedly listen and comfort you and never ask. "Why?" After much time has gone by and grief does not seem so near, you might find that you have truly fallen in love with the friend so dear.

Friends and lovers must be balanced because when lovers don't work out, friends will be there with a shoulder to cry on.

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